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Packaging Lab

Top 10 Sustainable Packaging Solutions

Updated: Oct 8

Top 10 Sustainable Packaging Solutions

In today's eco-conscious world, consumers are ditching brands that don't align with their values. One key area where businesses can shine? Sustainable packaging! It's a win-win: good for the planet and good for your brand image.

Top 10 Sustainable Packaging Solutions:

1. Recycled Materials: Cardboard, paper, and plastic get a second life. Look for packaging with high post-consumer recycled content for boxes, containers, and even wrapping paper. Bonus: Honest Company uses 100% recycled plastic bottles for their laundry detergent!


2. Minimalist Design: Less is more! Ditch bulky boxes and excessive layers. Think slimmer cookie boxes or concentrated refill pouches (like Dove's body wash).

design minimalist

3. Innovative Materials: Get futuristic! Explore bioplastics from plants, mushroom packaging from fungus, or even seaweed-based solutions. Cool Fact: Ikea is testing fungi packaging for lamps – it protects the product and decomposes quickly.

Eco-Friendly Packaging
image source from @

4. Reusable & Refillable Systems: Encourage customers to reuse packaging with refillable containers or deposit return schemes. The Refillery is a great example, offering cleaning products in reusable aluminium tins / bottles.

tin pack
image source from @thepackagingworld @yagenesh

5. Biodegradable & Compostable Packaging: Corn starch or wood pulp to the rescue! These options break down naturally, perfect for food packaging and packing bags. Many Etsy shops use compostable mailers for clothes that decompose in your home bin!

Biodegradable Packing Material

6. Edible Coatings: Ditch plastic wrap! Edible coatings made from wax, seaweed, or plant starches eliminate plastic waste and can even be a tasty surprise. Some cheesemakers are using edible wax coatings – cheese lovers rejoice!

Edible Coating
Some of Notpla’s products, including the Ooho, is completely edible. Photo: Notpla

7. Plantable Packaging: Plant a seed, grow a smile! Seed paper packaging with wildflowers lets your customers plant the packaging itself. Bombas socks come in plantable packaging – wear the socks, plant the box, enjoy wildflowers!

Seed Paper

8. Water-Activated Tapes & Adhesives: Say goodbye to plastic tape! Water-activated paper or plant-based starch tapes are secure and eco-friendly for sealing boxes. Many online retailers are making the switch.

Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape

9. Educate Consumers: Empower your customers! Clearly label your packaging with disposal instructions and recycling info. Patagonia is a great example, including recycling symbols and care instructions on their clothing tags.

Recycle Trash Labels

10. Partner Sustainably: Choose suppliers who prioritize sustainable practices throughout their operations. Seventh Generation partners with recycled paper mills that use minimal water and energy – sustainability from start to finish!

By implementing these solutions, businesses can significantly reduce their environmental impact and build a strong, responsible brand image. Remember, small changes can create a big difference. Let's work together to package a greener future!


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